Friday, August 20, 2010

Miss Twinkle Toes

So... we had our first dance class today... not sure we are staying with this class...but took some pictures anyway...because I just couldn't resist this cute little ballerina!  It's only been a year since her last tap/ballet class, but of's been just long enough to require new leotards, tap shoes and ballet shoes...because this little girl has grown!

So here she is last year before her first ballet class...

And here she is today....

Can you tell how similar her new leotard is to her old??? She picked it out all on her own... I guess this little girl does not like change....b/c both are almost identical....hmmm wonder where she gets that??

And I can not forget the little guy.  I know my last few posts have been about Miss " I am a grown-up now because I am starting first grade next week," but little J certainly deserves some mention too!  This little guy....cracks me up!  Sometimes he makes me want to pull my teeth out....he has become quite verbal, quite demanding...and quite stubborn.  But I still get those tight squeezes and kisses on the lips just because!  He melts my heart.  He wants to do EVERYTHING his big sister does.  Before soccer practice yesterday... all I heard... over and over...and over.. " I go doccer too???"  And today before ballet...." I go ballet too????"  He was not happy when  he realized that he was not allowed to go in the classroom with her...and keeping him happy for an entire 45 minutes was quite the challenge.

I love how he asks me every morning what I dreamed about the night before....  And I love how when I ask him what HE dreamed about...he tells me "ice cream cones!!!"  And I LOVE how he has learned to finally call his sister her real name... almost....he calls her "TO-phia."  Of course I still hear an occasional "Doodah," but that's okay... cause that is pretty darn cute too.  I am taking steps towards giving up Mr. Binky at nap and bedtime and I continue to talk about how great the big boy potty is...but hmmm this little guy just has no interest.  Well... Mr. J.... hope you're ready...b/c when Big Sister "To-phia" is off to school... we are going to hit it hard!!!! :)

1 comment:

mom2four said...

She looks beautiful. So sorry we switched out at that late notice. Hope you join us at the new place. We are going @3 tomorrow just so they can see it. What a cutey Joseph is....Will sure does love him! :)