Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One of those days...

It was the 100th day of school for my Miss Sophia.  We got her THIRD quarter progress report yesterday....and I had to do a "double take" when I read the word "third."  I truly can't believe the school year is already more than half over.  Sophia's assignment for the 100th day was to create something with 100 pieces to display at school for the 100 Days Museum.  Here's what we came up with...

We were invited to attend the "viewing" of the Museum.....So... I was scurrying around this morning after Sophia left for school trying to get J ready for preschool and a few things done before we headed back to school.  Obviously... I took my eyes off of little S for too long because this is what I found shortly after  Sophia left....

Oh my.... this little boy is IN TO EVERYTHING.  This incident (finding and dumping my powdered sugar stash) occurred only AFTER I found him rummaging through my desk, throwing my IPAD on the floor, climbing into the fireplace, pulling out a glass mixing bowl and rolling it like a ball on the floor, and requiring a full wardrobe change after a rather large episode of spit up.  All this.... and it wasn't even 8:30.   Needless to say... the rest of the day didn't get much better....

It was pouring when we had to run to the car after leaving the 100 day museum ( I had forgotten my umbrella), Sam had the hiccups continuously about 8 times today which of course interfered with both of his naps.  I brilliantly decided to try apple juice for the first time with Sam while errand running this afternoon...without bringing any milk (just in case).  He did not like it...nor was he too happy that he didn't have his usual white stuff to drink.  All of the people at Whole Foods...also knew he wasn't too happy about it.

And tonight...more toys turned black from mysteriously being placed inside the fire place....and one final fall into an empty bathtub....( I wasn't being neglectful...was running after him...but just couldn't catch him before he made the leap).  No signs of injury to report, however! :)  The laundry is calling my fairy duties still need to be fulfilled....but ahhhh... I think I'll just sit for a minute and enjoy the peace and quiet:)

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